American Tripoli is a global industrial minerals and logistics company with key competencies in mining, processing, logistics, and science. We produce and offer a wide range of products to consumers worldwide.
We’re constantly finding and developing the right solutions through the use of our products. Our clients rely on us to provide cutting-edge value-added services. In addition, partnering up with them to develop new products in a variety of industries, including Agriculture, Pharmacist, Ceramics, Chemicals, Hydrothermal, Jewelry, Lapidary, Machinists, Medical, Metal industry, Manufacturing; 3D Printing, Abrasives, Aggregates, Automobile, Cement, Detergents, Electronics, Industrial materials, Feed, Filters, Dynamite/Fireworks, Glass, Hydroponics, Oil and Gas, Optical, Paint, Plastics, Rubber, Sealants, Solar, and physician, as well as Woodcrafters.